Conservation of
SZKOŁA BAZYLIANSKA: ZAMYKAJĄCA NAUKI… W Wilnie [Vilnius] : w drukarni J. K. M. XX. Bazylianow, 1764.
Vilnius University Library, Rare Books Department, document No. IV 4661.
Probably the contemporary binding proper to the printing house in Vilnius in the 18th century.
The cover was heavily damaged by mold, tears and paper loss in pages and sprinkled cover paper was observed. About a third part of the text-block structure was loose due to some broken cords and deformation of the spine.
Conservation treatment by Ieva Rusteikaitė.
Photographed by Raimondas Malaiška.
Note. Due to the fact that pictures were taken in different periods, there might be slight color differences in the photographs.