Inwentarz Starostwa Lanskorońskiego
Conservation of
Inwentarz Starostwa Lanskorońskiego […]. 1670 m., s. l.
Vilnius University Library, Manuscript Department, document No. F4-(A1746) 34324.
Disinfection by Greta Narodovskaja.
Conservation by Ieva Rusteikaitė.
Photographed by Raimondas Malaiška.
Note. Due to the fact that pictures were taken in different periods, there might be slight color differences in the photographs.
- Some microbiological activity
- Iron gall ink corrosion
- Dust
- Dirt and stains
- Important tears and paper loss in the pages and endleaves
- Broken sewing thread
- Detachment of all the gatherings
- Broken transversal spine linings
- Partial detachment of covering materials
- Some loss in covering materials
- Defoliation of cardboards
Treatment applied
- Disinfection with alcohol solution
- Dry cleaning
- Repair of tears and paper loss
- Repair of the broken spine linings
- Reconstruction fo the text-block structure and sewing of gaherings
- Repair of defoliated cardboards
- Attachment of the cover
- Attachment of the loose covering materials
Materials introduced during the treatment
- Wheat starch paste
- Dyed custom-made laid paper (cotton & hemp fibers)
- Japanese tissue
- Linen tread
- Linen transversal linings
- Linen cords
- Alum-tawed leather